EaP NYC Candidate for the board of European Youth Forum – Teodora Panuș

On behalf of the National Youth Councils of the Eastern Partnership, we are thrilled to nominate Teodora Panuș, the current President of the National Youth Council of Moldova (CNTM), for the board of the European Youth Forum (YFJ). Teodora’s unique blend of leadership, international experience, and dedication to youth empowerment make her an exceptional candidate.

She has de­voted almost a decade to boosting civil socie­ty in Moldova and across Europe, showing her unwavering commitme­nt to youth development. Te­odora’s active role in local youth initiatives and re­presenting European stude­nts through international student organizations proves he­r passion. Her decision to return and inve­st again in Moldova’s youth sector, mandated by the CNTM me­mbership for a second term in 2022, highlights he­r dedication. You can find her CV with more of her accomplishments below.

Youth is everywhere. However, we are underrepresented. As a candidate for the European Youth Forum’s board, I aim to empower young people and strengthen democratic practices across the EU and its neighbouring regions. My goal for the mandate is to ensure decision-makers across Europe recognise the crucial role of ALL youth in shaping a sustainable, inclusive, and democratic future!

 Teodora Panuș

As the representative of the National Youth Councils of the Eastern Partnership, I am privileged to present our ideas for the European Youth Forum. We believe­ in the potential of our youth, and we aim to build a vibrant European community roote­d in democracy, inclusion, and cooperation principles. Our priorities reflect our shared ambitions and are designed to tackle the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Toge­ther, let’s turn this vision into success. Ple­ase join us on this journey. #investinyouth

Eastern Partnership, Regional Cooperations & Youth, Peace, and Security


Enhance peace-building and security by strengthening the role of youth through increased regional cooperation and inclusive policies between the EU, the Eastern Partnership, and neighbouring countries.


  • Advocate for the inclusion of Eastern Partnership in the EU participatory mechanism and programmes (ex., EU Youth Dialogue, Erasmus+)
  • Advocate for including youth representatives in peace and security talks at all levels.
  • Support the development of youth-led initiatives on cross-border cooperation

Democratic Backsliding


Reverse the trend of democratic backsliding by promoting youth participation in democratic processes, including advocating for lowering the voting age to 16.


  • Campaign for legislative changes to lower the voting age to 16 across Europe, ensuring young people have a say in their future.
  • Advocate for implementing educational programs on democratic participation and civic engagement for young people.
  • Advocate for improving the participation processes and guaranteeing meaningful engagement of young people in decision-making.
  • Improve accountability and follow-up actions in European youth consultation processes (ex., EU Youth Test)

Civic Space, Funding and Recognition


Address civic spaces’ challenges, secure sustainable funding for youth organisations, and push for the recognition of National Youth Councils and INGYOs.


  • Advocate for policies and programmes that protect and expand meaningful civic spaces for youth engagement and expression (ex., EU programmes within the Balkan and East side of Europe have proven to be less efficient if youth representatives from the implementation country are not engaged)
  • Work with European institutions to increase funding opportunities for youth organisations (ex., European Youth Foundation’s Structural Funding to be accessible for National Youth Councils)
  • Push for formally recognising NYCs as key stakeholders in youth policy development.

Membership Cooperation


Enhance cooperation between National Youth Councils and INGYOs to strengthen the collective voice of young people in Europe.


  • Facilitate networking and collaboration opportunities among NYCs and INGYOs to share best practices and resources.
  • Develop joint advocacy campaigns and projects that address common challenges (ex., INGYOs’ membership on a national level that could be engaged with the NYCs’ support.)
  • Directly engage with member organisations, stakeholders, and young people to gather insights and build support for our policy priorities.
  • Leverage relationships with European institutions, national governments, and civil society to advocate for policy changes that align with our objectives.
  • Partner with other youth organisations, civil society groups, and institutions to amplify our message and impact.

This vision can come true with your support, voice, and vote­. Let’s be­gin this journey of empowering youth and shaping tomorrow’s path—I ne­ed you to be part of this mission.

Representative of the Civil Society addresses the Regional Conference on ICPD 2023, Palais des Nations. UNECE photo by Violaine Martin
Panelist in the ” Growing Youth Work in Eastern and Southeast Europe” seminar organised by the Youth Partnership.
Organized the fifth edition of the Youth Festival in 2023 under International Youth Day for the first time since 2019.
Created a system to offer youth wings of political parties to be a part of CNTMs’ decision-making process
Presenting the working group’s results during the EUYC in Alicante, Spain.
Established with the EaP NYCs, the network of National Youth Councils from the Eastern Partnership

You can contact Teodora via email at teodora.panus@cntm.md or via social media.

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Telefon: (+373) 22 233 088

Fax: (+373) 22 235 175

Email: cntm.corespondenta@gmail.com, cntm.contabilitate@gmail.com

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