The National Youth Council of Moldova announces an open call for 4 international experts in the field of NEET youth employability, who will offer training services in a Conference organised in Moldova, Chisinau in the month of May 2023. The exact date of the Conference will be communicated to the selected expert.
This activity is organised as part of the project „Better opportunities for Young Women and Men Not in Education, Employment and Training in Moldova (NEET Inclusion Initiative)”, implemented by the East Europe Foundation in partnership with the National Youth Council of Moldova, Centrul Parteneriat pentru Dezvoltare and the Agency for Regional Development of Transnistria, with the financial support of the European Union and co-financed by Sweden.
Tasks and responsibilities:
- The group of experts will work together on the agenda of the event, which will include good European practices regarding the employability of NEET youth;
- Delivery of the 3-day NEET youth inclusion training program and experience exchange at the conference.
Specific requirements:
- Knowledge of European good practices, inclusive youth policies for NEET youth in the field of NEET youth employability and the EU Youth Guarantee;
- Experience in delivering training sessions;
- Good communication and interaction abilities with the civil society;
- Advanced English language knowledge, knowledge of Romanian or Russian would constitute an advantage;
- Availability to deliver the training in the expected period.
The application file must contain:
- The CV including experience in terms of good European practices regarding the employability of NEET youth;
- Vision and Methodology of the training;
- Financial offer, indicating the net fee per working day (3 days).
Additional details. The costs of transport, accommodation and food will be covered by the organizers.
The application file will be sent to the email address:, indicating „NEET youth expert selection contest” in the subject line.
Deadline for application: April 9th, 2023
Only the selected candidates will be contacted. Incomplete application files will not be examined.
For any additional information contact Frosineac Mihaela, Project Coordinator, at the email address:
Selection criteria
Criteria | Score |
Knowledge of European good practices, inclusive youth policies for NEET youth in the field of NEET youth employability and the EU Youth Guarantee | 30 points |
Experience in delivering training sessions | 20 points |
Good communication and interaction abilities with the civil society | 20 points |
Financial offer | 30 points |
Total | 100 points |
Acest material este realizat în cadrul proiectului „Oportunități mai bune pentru tinerii și tinerele care nu beneficiază de educație, formare și locuri de muncă (Inițiativa de Incluziune a Tinerilor și Tinerelor NEET)”, proiect implementat de către Fundația Est-Europeană în parteneriat cu Consiliul Național al Tineretului din Moldova, Centrul Parteneriat pentru Dezvoltare și Agenția pentru Dezvoltare Regională din Transnistria, finanțat de Uniunea Europeană și cofinanțat de Suedia.