Open Call:
In 2021, Moldova will be reviewed in the context of the 3rd cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). In order to ensure meaningful youth participation in the process, and ensure that youth rights are given the attention they deserve, the National Youth Council of Moldova, in collaboration with UNFPA Eastern Europe & Central Asia, UNFPA Moldova Country Office and with the support of the Est European Foundation and European Youth Forum, opened a call for participants for a training event on „The UPR process and youth meaningful participation”.
Deadline for Applications: 20 April 2021
Venue: ONLINE via Zoom.
Period: 29-30 April 2021
Open to: Staff members of Youth NGOs and initiative groups, research institutes, and members of NHRIs. We expect to have 20 participants.
The National Youth Council of Moldova (CNTM)
The National Youth Council of Moldova (CNTM) is the associative structure of 34 youth organizations, which promotes the rights of young people and represents the interests of youth organizations in the process of developing, implementing and evaluating youth policies. Founded on February 18, 1999, CNTM operates based on the following principles of organization and functioning: solidarity, organizational and functional autonomy, transparency, freedom of opinion and expression, eligibility of governing bodies, full equality of rights of members, professionalism.
We believe that young people are very important and their voices need to be heard. Thus, through youth organizations, we empower, encourage, involve, represent, and support young people across the country. Having several directions of activity, CNTM wants to increase the number of young people in management structures, to involve them in the decision-making process, to form their civic spirit, promoting volunteering.
United Nation Population Fund Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (UNFPA EECARO)
UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, expands the possibilities for women and young people to lead healthy and productive lives.
UNFPA is the lead United Nations agency for delivering a world where:
We are making real progress. Since UNFPA started working in Eastern Europe and Central Asia in the early 1990s, the number – and rate – of women dying from pregnancy or childbirth has nearly halved. Women are better able to plan when to have children – and how many. Young people are more connected and empowered than ever before.
UNFPA Moldova Country Office (CO)
In the Republic of Moldova, UNFPA has been active since 1995. As part of its mandate, the UNFPA helps young people remain healthy and reach their full potential through innovative education, training, and services, by being civically engaged and participating in decision-making processes. UNFPA fights to end violence against women and girls and protect them from harmful practices that prevent them from realizing their full potential.
Est European Foundation (EEF)
The East Europe Foundation is a non-profit, non-political, public interest organization, established as a foundation, in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, the Law on Foundations and other laws. The Eastern European Foundation since 1994 has contributed to the promotion of democracy, human rights, the market economy and has supported the development of civil society, the media and the transparency of public administration activity in the country.
The mission of East Europe Foundation is to empower Moldovan citizens and foster sustainable development through education and technical assistance programs that promote democracy, foster good governance and build economic prosperity.
The European Youth Forum (YFJ)
The European Youth Forum is the platform of youth organisations in Europe. We represent over 100 youth organisations, both National Youth Councils and International Non-Governmental Youth Organisations, which bring together tens of millions of young people from all over Europe.
The European Youth Forum works to empower young people to participate actively in society to improve their own lives by representing and advocating for their needs, rights and interests and those of their organisations. In the current uncertain political and social context that affects young people, they can be powerful catalysts for positive change and contributors of innovative solutions to Europe’s challenges.
Description of the event
The emergence of the United Nations Universal Periodic Review has brought new life into the measures taken at the international and national levels to hold states accountable to their international human rights law obligations. However, youth rights struggle to get the visibility that they deserve within the UN human rights system, making the active involvement of youth organisations in these processes all the more important. With this 2-day event, we aim to encourage the youth sector in Moldova to engage in UN human rights reviews, by increasing their knowledge of the processes, and providing opportunities for peer-learning.
The first day will be focused on capacity building and training. Having into consideration the importance of the UPR mechanism for human rights, with this training course we would like to explore the origin and evolution of the UPR and its functioning in Geneva and how youth-led organisations can participate in the process, and mainstream youth rights. The training will also include a focus on the implementation of UPR recommendations at the national level, and on how the UPR can support the ongoing advocacy work of youth organisations.
The second day will be focused on peer learning. By providing a space for discussion with HRBs from Moldova, UN agencies and youth organisations that have already been involved in UN human rights reviews, we hope to foster cooperation and mutual learning. Using examples of different stages of drafting alternative reports and follow up activities, we will provide hands-on exercises to demonstrate the new pathways the UPR is opening for the realization of human rights.
The course will cover tentatively the following issues:
- Locating the UPR within the UN human rights system including the UN treaty bodies (TBs), the work of the UN Special Procedures and the thematic and country-based work of the HRC and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).
- The critical importance of the reporting process in the UPR – examples of national reports, compilations from UN sources and the compilation of the stakeholder’s reports (NHRIs and civil society reports)
- How to submit a civil society report in the UPR process
- Politicization of the HRC: Is there an impact on the content and functioning of the UPR?
- The critical advocacy role of national governments, NHRIs, civil society, UN agencies, academic bodies, national parliaments, diplomats and the media.
- The inextricable link between the UPR and the SDGs: what tools are available at the international and national levels to make this link; is a common reporting mechanism achievable; can there be synergy in the implementation of both these sets of obligations on the ground?
- Economic, social and cultural rights and civil and political rights: has a balance been struck with the UPR? Highlighting the findings from the previous UPR report. Do the implementation strategies at national levels redress the balance?
- The development of tools and research methodologies, including data collection for the UPR
Examples of good practices, at the policy and field level: these examples will be used throughout the course to highlight the tremendous possibilities the UPR offers practitioners on the ground to play their part in implementing human rights obligations.
How to best make use of the UPR process to mainstream youth rights within the UN human rights system.
At the end of this course, participants will be:
- Familiar with the genesis and evolution of the UPR, within the context of the UN human rights system
- Knowledgeable about the advocacy strategies employed by national actors to identify issues to be raised at the UPR and to ensure implementation
- Able to identify the distinct but also the collaborative role of various national level actors: national governments, NHRIs, civil society, UN agencies, academic bodies, national parliaments, diplomats and the media
- Able to demonstrate, in their own contexts, the many uses of the implementation examples used throughout the course
- Able to identify the link between the UPR and the SDGs at the international and national levels Able to draft impactful recommendations for the UPR
Professors and Lecturers
The training course will be led by UPR Info (Organization in Switzerland)
The course will include specific session by guest from YFJ Expert Group on Youth Rights, National Youth Councils across of Europe who participated in UPR process Office of the Ombudsman and Nondiscrimination Council of Moldova, UNFPA Moldova CO and UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (EECARO)
Participants who successfully complete the training course receive a certificate of participation from the CNTM.
How to Apply
Applications must be submitted via the online application form
If you encounter problems with your application, do not hesitate to contact us: